Ateleta is a municipality located in the province of L'Aquila at 760 meters (2493 feet) of altitude. Ateleta has 1153 inhabitants and a surface area of 41.93 square kilometers (16.19 square miles).
The municipality of Ateleta also includes the following suburbs: Carceri Alte, Carceri Basse, Colli, Sant'Elena.
Ateleta was part of the Kingdom of Naples before the unification of Italy (1861).
Municipal Hall Information
Comune di Ateleta
Piazza Carolina, 18
67030 Ateleta (AQ)
Phone: +39 0864 65030
E-mail: [email protected]
State Archives Information
Archivio di Stato di L'Aquila
Zona Industriale di Bazzano
Via Galileo Galilei, 2
67100 L'Aquila
E-mail: [email protected]
First 5 most common surnames in Ateleta
Le Donne, Donatelli, Sciullo, Mannella, Ricci
Parish churches in Ateleta and municipality suburbs
Church | Municipality | Suburb | Address | Diocese |
S. Gioacchino | Ateleta | Diocesi di Sulmona - Valva |
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I am looking for citizens of Ateleta related to Emilio LeDonne and Josephine Buccigrossi LeDonne , both born in 1895. They emigrated to Pittsburgh Pennsylvania around 1921. Emilio had a brother who emigrated to Brazil but was never heard from again. My father was Anthony. His siblings were Gina (died in childhood), Peter and Herman. A cousin Giuseppe LeDonne visited Pittsburgh in the late 60’s or early 70’s. He would be in his late 60’s at this time. I plan to visit Ateleta in mid April. I hope to meet up with relatives then. Thank you.
Hi Karen,
one of our relatives works at the museum. He is a cousin. good luck.
Hello Karen,
My mother’s mother was a LeDonne from Ateleta. My great-grandparents were Francesco (died 1929) and Francesca (died 1955) LeDonne. It’s a tiny village, so we must be related somehow. Please contact me at [email protected] or 312-771-8528.
Hello, I am search for parents of Antonia/ Antoniette Le Donne, Born; Ateleta June 4, 1873 Died; Pennsylvania Feb.24, 1948) Her husband was Giuseppe Joseph D’Ascenzo (1869-1945) A statement on her grave page lists father as Giachino Le Donne and Mother as Luisa Marina of Ateleta. Also listed is her brother Emiddio Le Donne. She is my GG Grandmother and I would very much like to find the family line in Abrusso. Thank you
Hi, Erin,
Antonia LeDonne is my wife’s great-great grandmother, as well. I was able to locate her death certificate which shows her parents as Giachino LeDonne and Luisa Marina, just as you have indicated. If you have any luck, please let me know. Likewise, I’ll let you know if I have any luck in my search!
Jason Brinker
I am looking for relatives of Albino Buccigrossi born in Ateleta, Italy in 1887 and arriving in NY in 1897 at the age of 10. The family eventually relocated to Pittsburgh. PA. I am his grandson.
Here is the 1860 Ateleta marriage record for Gioacchino Le Donne and Luisa Marino. It notes their parents, ages, etc. If you work through the available records, you can find several more generations using this same source.
I do not specifically know if this couple are the parents of your Antonia and Emiddio, but it seems very likely. My wife is related to both of them, so you are all likely fourth or fifth cousins somehow.
Gerry Bell
Hello, my grandpa is Gary LeDonne married to Florene LeDonne (maiden, Ricci). The both lived in Pittsburgh, PA for as long as I’ve known. I don’t know if any of this helps but please feel free to email with more questions or information!
HI All
My father was born in Ateleta, province of L’Aquila, Italy in 1935. He was given up for adoption. We are looking for any blood relatives who may have information on this. He was named Emilio Lauro (or di Lauro), and was born on Via Luciano, Ateleta. He immigrated to Canada in the late 1950’s with his adopted family.
If anyone has any information, or leads, I would very much appreciate you contacting me. Thank you.
I am I inquiring about my ancestors who were from Ateleta. My great grandparents were born there in 1863 – 1865 Vincenzo Zappa and Rosalina Zappa. I believe that was also her maiden name. The immigrated to the US in 1893 or 1899.
I am looking for relatives of Henry Scuillo, born about 1855 in Ateleta and his wife, Maria Domencia
(Born in Ateleta about 1858.). Their son, Nicodemo Marino Schullo was born in Ateleta on Sept 15, 1882. Nicodemo’s wife, Anna Ranallo was also born in Ateleta (daughter of Concezio and Maria (Ricci). Nicodemo and Anna later immigrated to the United States. Are there any distant relatives
Still located in Ateleta?
Thank you.
I’m looking for family of my grandmother. Her name was Francesca Donatelli. She was born Sept 8,1879 in Ateleta Aqui Italy. She married a Carlino and immigrated around 1912 or so.
My grandparents were born in the 1860 also from Ateleta. Michael LeDonne married Anna Ciolola. Emigrated here and came in through Ellis Island and also Batavia, Ny. Lived most of his adult life in White Plains NY
Many relatives in Pittsburgh, the Zappa ‘s , Sciullo, and Ciotola.
My grandfather had 7 sisters.
Still have relatives here who visit Ateleta yearly.
My Grandmother Della Ledonne born 1901 Ateleta Prov to Jochim LeDonna and Pasqua Colangelo
she immigrated to Pittsburgh PA in 1914 eventually married my grandfather Art Collinger
wondering if family relatives in Ateleta
my GG Grandparents were Joachim Ledonne and Pasquelina Colangelo
their daughter ny Grandmother Della LaDonne was born Ateleta Abruzzo in 1905 she married my grandfather Arthur Collinger in Pittsburgh PA BLOOMFIELD neighborhood mid 1920’s .
my Granfather Arthur Collinger name was Caliguiri apparently changed to Collinger during immigration process…
they had 3 daughters Mildred Ruth and Dorothy and my father the youngest born 1935 Arthur Collinger Jr.arried my mother 1957 Mary Lou Miller.
I’m interested in my GG parents life in Ateleta and who may remain there…also interested in getting Italian Citizenship via Juris Sanguis.Della LaDonne she was citizen of Ateleta and im a decendent ..blood relations were citizens……after 1861 when all Italians became citizens. .
I am Stephen Colangelo. My father was also born in Ateleta in 1901. I have just returned from a visit to Ateleta. There was a close connection between the Le Donne and Colangelo families and I saw their family homes which are located next to each other in Carceri Alte. I have some information and am continuing to do research. Let’s talk.
my great grandparents were Antonio and Antoinette Mannella emigrated from aletlata to pittsburgh pa. cousins were donatelli and ricci
. my mother was rose Marie mannalla. she had 8 brothers and sisters. oldest brother was Alexander, sister candida both born in Italy. my mother s youngest brother was a thy. the moved to Connecticut. Alexander tont and Felix worked at Bradley air. in Windsor Iocks. rose Marie married clarence henkel and moved to Buffalo ny with Westinghouse electric. Judy Henkel schiffert [email protected]
Stephen …its Cindy Collinger Gasparik
my Grandmother was Della LaDonne…I answered a email from you although was slow to respond…
apologize and love to hear any info about LaDonne Colangelos…I’m going in Spring…I know no one there but interested …I’m sure I’d have relations there.
[email protected]
Je cherche des informations sur mes arrière-grands-pères, Pasquale Mannella et Severino Mannella. D’abord, mon arrière-grand-père maternel, Pasquale Mannella, est né aux environs de 1871 et s’est marié avec Scolastica Mannella, morte à Ateleta à l’âge de 51 ans en 1920. Pasquale et Scolastica ont eu une fille, Angela Mannella. Pasquale est décédé jeune et Scolastica s’est remariée avec Severino Mannella; ensemble, ils ont eu 4 enfants, Gioacchino, Laura, Ambrosina et Irena. Or, Severino Mannella est mon arrière-grand-père paternel. Il est né le 1er septembre 1860 et s’est marié en premières noces avec Laura Mannella (je ne sais rien d’elle); ils ont eu deux enfants, Oriento Antonio (mon grand-père, né le 11 novembre 1889 et mort le 1er février 1945 à Montréal) et Maria. Laura serait décédée à l’âge de 28 ans (alors que sa fille Maria avait 4 ans?) et Severino se serait marié en secondes noces avec Scolastica Mannella (mon arrière-grand-mère maternelle) ! Son fils Oriente s’est marié avec Angela, fille de Scolastica et de Pasquale Mannella et ensemble ils ont émigré au Canada via Ellis Island (en 1902 (Oriente) et 1911 (Angela)). J’aimerais connaître la lignée de Laura, mon arrière-grand-mère paternelle (sa naissance son mariage avec Severino et son décès), avoir des infos sur Scolastica (naissance et mariage avec Pasquale et avec Severino), Pasquale (naissance, mariage et décès et avoir des infos sur Gioacchino et Irena. Merci !
I am trying to find records of my great-grandparents.
My grandfather, Giuseppe Lucente came from Ateleta and moved to Pittsburgh when he was around 27.
He married Cleonice La Donne, also from Ateleta. She moved to Pittsburgh with her parents when she was 7 or 8 and had a younger brother Fred. I think he parents were Domenico and Carmella Le Donne.
Any suggestions?
I love that there is a website for this 🙂
My wife and I will be celebrating our 50th Anniversary next year (2025). We are planning a trip to Italy to celebrate. My wife’s maiden name is DiBucci. She was very close to her grandfather who immigrated to the US (and eventually to Pittsburgh) from Ateleta about 1920. Our primary reason for going to Italy is to visit Ateleta and to see if there are any extended family members there now? Her Grandfather’s name was Severino. He was born in 1902 in Ateleta and died in 1978 in Pittsburgh’s Bloomfield neighborhood. His parent’s names were Giuseppe and Giovina (maiden name Lucente). Sam, as be became known here, had three brothers: Vincenzo, Rafael and Giuseppe; and two sisters: Eliza and Lucia. That we know of. We’re looking for any family connections or for any information about DiBucci descendants who may still be living in the area of Ateleta. Thank you.
My great great grandmother’s parents were Ricci and LeDonne. I’m en route to Ateleta right now, would love to know what everyone has found. Please call or text!
Looking for relatives of
Carolina Zappa
10-11-1884 – Ateleta, L’Aquila, Abruzzo, Italy
15 May 1959 – Newport, Campbell, Kentucky, USA
Angela Rosa Marino
Angelo Zappa
She was my grandmother
@James J Tuite
I am looking for relatives of Albino Buccigrossi born in Ateleta, Italy in 1887 and arriving in NY in 1897 at the age of 10. The family eventually relocated to Pittsburgh. PA. I am his grandson.
I am still researching my lineage, but believe that I am the great granddaughter of Albino Buccigrossi (Albert Gross), granddaughter of Anthony Gross, daughter of Martha Gross. What do you know about this branch of your family tree?