Abruzzo is the region where we carry out our main activities and reside. It’s no coincidence that our project and website are named after it. However, our research often extends beyond Abruzzo and includes also neighboring regions and provinces.
Throughout history, families and individuals frequently migrated between adjacent places. Therefore, it’s common to find families that have left their mark in various locations, regardless of the borders and administrative divisions that have undergone many changes over time.
On this page, we’ve included essential data for the municipalities in the Abruzzo and Molise regions, as well as in the province of Ascoli Piceno in the Marche region. We hope you find this information both useful and interesting. Furthermore, we invite you to leave comments on the pages of specific municipalities where your family roots are located. This will allow other users to reach out to you or for us to add additional details in response.
Please choose the province where the municipality of your family origins is located. The Abruzzo region is divided into the following four provinces:
The region Molise is divided into two provinces:
NEW! We have also added the province of Ascoli Piceno in Marche, where we increasingly find ourselves conducting research: