Barisciano is a municipality located in the province of L'Aquila at 940 meters (3084 feet) of altitude. Barisciano has 1853 inhabitants and a surface area of 78.49 square kilometers (30.31 square miles).

The municipality of Barisciano also includes the following suburbs: Picenze(San Martino, Villa di Mezzo, Petogna).

Barisciano was part of the Kingdom of Naples before the unification of Italy (1861) and belonged to the former Abruzzo Ultra II province.

Municipal Hall Information
Comune di Barisciano
Piazza Trieste, 1
67021 Barisciano (AQ)
Phone: +39 086289565
E-mail: [email protected]

State Archives Information
Archivio di Stato di L'Aquila
Zona Industriale di Bazzano
Via Galileo Galilei, 2
67100 L'Aquila
E-mail: [email protected]

First 5 most common surnames in Barisciano
Di Paolo, Bonomo, Di Nardo, Marinelli, Matergia

Parish churches in Barisciano and municipality suburbs

S. FlavianoBariscianoArcidiocesi di L'Aquila
S. MariaBariscianoArcidiocesi di L'Aquila
S. MartinoBariscianoArcidiocesi di L'Aquila

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  1. Salve, sto cercando informazioni sui Congressi. Erano in Barisciano Ilaty nel tardo 1800 e nel 1920 credo. IO sono il nipote di giovanni Congressi e gradirebbe le informazioni in vostro possesso per la mia famiglia e date di nascita. Grazie per il vostro tempo e sforzo.

    1. Hello, my name is John M. Congressi and I am the Grand Son of Giovanni Congressi of Barisciano. I noticed this request for information and would like to follow up on the information that was supplied. Is it possible for you to send me the same information? I live in the United States. Thank You.

  2. I am looking for any family or any information on Giovanni and Anna Giannangeli Marinelli family. Giovanni died around 1896 but Anna lived from 1858 to 1939 in Barisciani. Their children were Demetri, Domenica and Giulio. Demetri was born in 1892 and came to Ohio in 1910. He returned to Italy in 1933 leaving behind 3 young sons. He is my grandfather. I have absolutely only the marriage of Giovanni and Anna on record. I need help. Demetri possibly had a second family when he returned to his homeland. Don’t have any information on Domenica. Giulio came to America and supposedly died here.

  3. Good afternoon, I am Silvana Giannangeli, my father Giuseppe Giannangeli ( 1915) and my aunt Maria Rosa Giannangeli (1927), both siblings kids of Luigi Giannangeli born in Barisciano 1885 or 1890. Married with Maria Sidoni (1895). I’m looking for some records if my grandfather Luigi stablished another family in th US, all trees I foun are private. When my brother tried to contact some Giannangeli, after some emails, they stoped writing .Thanks.

  4. Silvana, I looked on for information on your grandfather Luigi Giannangeli. I found your aunt Maria Rosa’s marriage certificate to Anthony J Dicaprio on Sept 4, 1951 in Belmont county, Ohio. I also saw an Ellis Island for Luigi who was destined for Bellaire, Ohio which is in Belmont CountyI am from Bellaire, Ohio and my great-grandmother was Anna Giannangeli. I know a lot of Gianangeli’s in Bellaire. Are you aware that these Gianangeli’s have changed spelling of their name to have only 1 n and not 2. John Gianangeli, son of Anania is responsible for that change. The other family members spell Giannangeli. Luigi may have been my great-grandmother’s youngest brother Giuseppe Giannangeli according to the Ellis Island as to someone in homeland was Giuseppe. I am going to check for local obituaries and will respond to you again. DEE

  5. Hello Dolores, thank’s, didn’t check until now. Yes I’m aware of that change taking out a N, also I saw it in contacts in fb of my cousins Di Caprio, and for sure are our family but no one respond me.

  6. My name is Daniel J. Marinacci, PE. My Grandfather Giuseppe Marinacci was born April 26, 1890 in Poggio Picenze, Barisciano as was my Grandmother Matilde Francisco who was born June 1, 1885. They married in Poggio Picenze, Barisciano. Grandfather departed Port Of Naples for American on April 19, 1912 which was 4 days after the Titanic sunk. My Grandmother and their two children departed Port Of Naples January, 1914.I look forward to hearing from any fellow Marinacci and/or other relatives.

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