Roccasicura is a municipality located in the province of Isernia at 758 meters (2487 feet) of altitude. Roccasicura has 559 inhabitants and a surface area of 28.6 square kilometers (11.04 square miles).

Roccasicura was part of the Kingdom of Naples before the unification of Italy (1861) and belonged to the former Molise province.

Municipal Hall Information
Comune di Roccasicura
Piazza G. Marconi, 24
86080 Roccasicura (IS)
Phone: +39 0865 837131
E-mail: [email protected]

State Archives Information
Archivio di Stato di Isernia
Corso Risorgimento (Palazzo INPDAP)
86170 Isernia
E-mail: [email protected]

First 5 most common surnames in Roccasicura
Lombardi, Di Benedetto, Di Vito, Gioiosa, Bucci

Parish churches in Roccasicura and municipality suburbs

S. Leonardo di LimogesRoccasicuraDiocesi di Isernia - Venafro

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  1. My grandfather, Dominicantonio Telesprino DiMartino was born in Roccasicura, Italy in 1913. His parents were Dominico DiMartino and Filomena Ciarlone. Can you tell me about their parents and/or their other child, a daughter?

  2. Hi, im Augusto Gioiosa from Argentina. My parents came from Roccasicura to Argentina in the begginings of 1900. I want to know if there is any Gioiosa living now in Roccasicura.
    [email protected]

    1. My great, great grandmother, Domenica Gioiosa, was from Roccasicura. She left in the early 1900s and settled in upstate New York in the US.

  3. What was the name of Roccasiccura called before when the black plague or flu that killed many. I think my family said the name was Ciccunia or something like that.


    Don Colicchio

    1. It seems that the name changed several times in history, from Roccha Siconis (referred to Sico the Lombard prince of Benevento), then became Rocca Siccem, Rocca Cicuta or Ciconia. The modern name dates back to the 16th century.

  4. Hola mi tatarabuelo Ananía Gioiosa se fué de Roccasicura en septiembre de 1878 . Sus padres se llamaban Ángel Gioiosa y Benegna Ciarlone. Al entrar a Argentina lo inscribieron como Giosa y desde allí nuestro apellido. Si alguien tiene información sobre dirección de donde vivían o si aún sigue habiendo descendientes de algún hermano de Ananía Gioiosa, estaría encantada de tomar contacto.
    [email protected]

  5. I am a descendant of Giuseppe Salvatore Di Vito and Annunziata “Nunzia” Gioiosa. Giuseppe was born on August 21, 1821, in Roccasicura, his father, Carlo, was 49 and his mother, Cosma Lombardozzi, was 41. He married Nunzia on July 26, 1846 and they had four sons together. Nunzia was born on March 25, 1821, in Roccasicura, her father, Girolamo, was 37, and her mother, Lorita Gioiosa, was 31. Nunzia had four brothers and two sisters.
    Giuseppe died on September 8, 1868, in Roccasicura, at the age of 47. At this time, it is unknown when Nunzia died. I’d love to connect with other fellow descendants of Roccasicura. [email protected]

  6. Angelo Gioiosa was my third great uncle. Angelo was born on May 11, 1826, in Roccasicura, his father, Girolamo, was 42 and his mother, Lorita Gioiosa, was 36. He married Maria Teresa Di Vaio in May 25, 1851, and they had one son together. According to my research, Angelo also had one son and one daughter with Bengane Ciarlone, but unfortunately both children did not live past two years of age. Although Angelo had three brothers and three sisters, however, only one brother and one sister (my third great grandmother) lived into adulthood. I will send you an email in Spanish for your convenience. [email protected]

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