Pescina is a municipality located in the province of L'Aquila at 735 meters (2411 feet) of altitude. Pescina has 4264 inhabitants and a surface area of 48.79 square kilometers (18.84 square miles).

The municipality of Pescina also includes the following suburbs: Cardito, Venere[1].

Pescina was part of the Kingdom of Naples before the unification of Italy (1861) and belonged to the former Abruzzo Ultra II province.

Municipal Hall Information
Comune di Pescina
Piazza Mazzarino, 29
67057 Pescina (AQ)
Phone: +39 0863 84281
E-mail: [email protected]

State Archives Information
Archivio di Stato di L'Aquila
Zona Industriale di Bazzano
Via Galileo Galilei, 2
67100 L'Aquila
E-mail: [email protected]

First 5 most common surnames in Pescina
Iulianella, Parisse, Tarola, Di Nicola, Del Grosso

Parish churches in Pescina and municipality suburbs

S. GiuseppePescinaPiazza della Liberta'Diocesi di Avezzano
S. Maria del CarminePescinaVenereDiocesi di Avezzano
S. Maria delle GraziePescinaVia G. Artusio, 1Diocesi di Avezzano

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